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14:00-15:15 - Registration @ Gym
15:30-16:30 - Opening Ceremony @ Auditorium
16:30 - Hacking begins @ Gym

Intro to Web Development

17:00 - 19:30

Recommended for Beginners

Do you want to build your very own website using HTML and CSS, but don't know where to start? In this workshop, we will go into basic markup principles of HTML and CSS for beginners and teach you the skills you would need to create a website.

This workshop includes a dinner break.

Christina Kaddouh @ Room 110
This workshop has special requirements.

Understanding Git/Version Control

17:00 - 18:00

Git is a widely-used version control system, allowing for teams to collaborate and keep track of source code. You will learn how to use Git and best practices for dealing with version control. If you have no prior experience, this workshop is highly recommended.

Edward Feng @ Room 138
This workshop has special requirements.
18:00-19:00 - Dinner

iOS Development with SwiftUI

19:00 - 21:00

Downloads and resources are located here.

Dive into the world of developing apps for all of Apple's platforms. Learn Swift, Apple's new fun and easy programming language, and use SwiftUI to build an interface for your app. We'll cover everything you need to know to build a basic iOS app - displaying data, adding interactivity, and querying web servers.

Anthony Li @ Room 138
This workshop has special requirements.


19:00 - 21:00

Vue is a popular JavaScript framework for building single page applications. Learn how to use Vue to build UIs and frontend applications.

Aidan Glickman @ Room 138
This workshop has special requirements.

Hosting Websites with Github Pages

20:00 - 21:00

Recommended for Beginners

After creating a website, you might want to have that available on the Internet for others to visit. This workshop will cover how to host static websites with Github Pages, and the fundamentals of Git.

This is meant to follow Intro to Web, but anyone can attend.

Edward Feng @ Room 110
This workshop has special requirements.

Intro to JavaScript

21:00 - 22:00

Recommended for Beginners

After learning how to create a basic website, why not try adding some interactivity to it? In this Intro to JavaScript course, learn how to use one of the fundamental building blocks of the web to create your own breakout game with the phaser.js game framework.

David Ionita & Jeremy Kurian @ Room 110
This workshop has special requirements.

Intro to Circuits and Arduino

22:00 - 23:00


We know you've mastered software, now how about you start prototyping your own hardware? In this workshop you will get some hands on experience building your own basic circuits while learning about electricity, boolean logic and more!

Nate Jeffries & Anthony Lekan @ Room 138
00:00-00:30 - Midnight Pizza

Cup Stacking

00:30 - 01:30

Stack cups. Stack 'em high. What more?

Compete against your fellow hackers in this time-honored hackBCA tradition. Try to gain the prestigious position of first place by stacking cups as high as you can. Then face off against longtime cup stacking veteran Aidan Glickman and his team.


Code Golf

01:00 - 05:00

Code golf is writing code with golf rules. The aim of this game is to write the shortest code you can to solve a given task. Obviously, you should never purposefully obfuscate your actual code, but for fun, why not?

You may use any language you want. The only requirements are that your solution works, and that it does not use external libraries.


Powerpoint Karaoke

02:00 - 02:45

Are you ready to synergize your business processes for optimal interplay between your development and sales teams? Do you not even know what that means? Either way, come give an inspiring presentation (on a topic you have never seen before.)

If you've spent all night working on your hackathon project, try taking some time to relax in this light-hearted activity.


Girls Go CyberStart

02:00 - 03:00

Come hang out with other Girls Go Cyberstart contestants and get help/help others with the Game Challenges!!

Audrey Kim @ Lower Caf

Push-Up Contest

03:00 - 03:15

Voluntary teambuilding exercise... literally. All for fun.


Pitch Competition

04:00 - 05:00

Have you had enough fun trying to come up with your project idea for hackBCA? Well, you'll be glad to find out that we're also having a pitch competiton!

Present your best startup idea to see if it stands out among the many, many okay concepts. It's all the fun of getting inspired without the real-life risk of actually starting your own business.

07:00-08:00 - Breakfast
11:00 - Hacks must be submitted
11:00 - Demos
12:00-13:00 - Lunch
13:00-14:00 - Closing Ceremony & Awards
14:00 - Hackers depart